Showing posts with label bronchitis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bronchitis. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Hey Kids !!!
Well, today was Easter. In our house, anyway.
As I'd anticipated, we had to postpone the festivities. Mrs. D and Lily have recovered, but My Tess is still in bed. That cough is stubborn, it's still hanging in there, but so is she. We had another visit from Mrs. D's doctor beau and he says that because of Tess' already compromised immune system, she was hit harder. I'm all too familiar with that phrase. Several hospital coffee machines and I have bonded over the years.
Tess was disappointed and guilty about missing Easter, but she slept well last night and so I decorated her bedside table with a few things I scavenged from the holiday boxes in the garage.
It made Tess smile. That's all I was hoping for.

I made a little basket for her.
Part joke, part necessity.

 and Lily and I made a few things to try and tempt Tess' appetite, which hasn't been very good lately.
The wheezing makes it too hard for her to breathe, but the doctor said she was safer at home and the humidifier he suggested has been helping.
Mrs. D. (bless her heartπŸ˜‰) can't boil water, but she does make a fine hurricane🍹and her table setting skills are stellar, so she went up to visit Tess while the two of us made brunch.
She'd bought these salt and pepper shakers for Tess in Japan, but had mislaid them until yesterday (they were in her hatbox πŸ‘’πŸ˜„)!!!
Chicken Waldorf salad, deviled eggs, rolls, a little fruit and cherry Danish. We had sweet tea, but I forgot to take a picture of my glass☹️.

I told Tess that was me on the left and her on the right. "What is that between us?"  An egg, I said. "Wishful thinking?" Yeah.
The Danish came from Harris Teeter.🀨

The little sweet potato pies were from Walmart. Too hot to bake. It's been in the 80's here (50's in NY). I don't think the ladies are loving this weather. πŸ˜₯πŸ”₯

We watched Easter Parade (1948) and the Easter Parade from Tokyo Disneyland (from YouTube. It was probably 10 years old, but it met the "kawaii" criteria. I don't think I'll ever get that "hop,hop,hop, hop, hop, funny bunny land" song out of my head 😡!!!)
My deviled eggs, not as good as My Tess' πŸ˜”.
Brunch was good. Tess ate a little, I ate a lot. Who else is comfort eating ?πŸ–️ I won't judge. We've had a couple of nibbles on the house, but I'm not in a hurry to sell or even to go up and show it. Our housesitter says the dog is fine, the horse is fine, and the house is fine. I talked to my parents yesterday, they're both well πŸ‘,and they want us to visit as soon as we're able.
Soon, I hope. Priorities #1 Tess, #2 Family.

Summer is coming. ☀️ 😎

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hey Kids,
How's everybody doing ?
I thought I was coming down with Bronchitis too, but it wound up that I'd just put too much pepper in my bowl of soup.
 Miss Belle sent us two bottles of her homemade elderberry syrup and everybody has been taking it. Lily is up and on the mend, but Tess and Mrs.D are still in bed.
I made another batch of horehound drops and thanks to My Tess, who always plans ahead, we're doing fine on food and other supplies.
We'd be stuck in a hotel right now,if we'd gone with plan A, but plan B (moving in with Mrs.D while we look for oúr new home) was Tess' idea and she was right. Again. I even think this might be a turning point in my relationship with Mrs. D. who told me yesterday that she appreciated how I've been looking after everyone and that "Tess is right. I have not given you a fair chance." 😲😲😲😲😲😲
Maybe it was the NyQuil talking, but it still meant a lot. πŸ˜‰
Take care.

Friday, March 27, 2020


Hey Kids !!! Greetings from Sickie Central 😷.
Tess' mother started "feeling poorly" two days after St.Patrick's Day and took to her bed. A week later, My Tess followed, and then Lily. So, for the past eight days I have been Dr. Cham. Well, Male Nurse Cham might be more accurate. Besides making chicken soup and doling out cough medicine, cough drops, and aspirin I haven't had to do much, except worry. They've all been sleeping as much as possible and I've been pretty much on my own.

No, it isn't the Coronavirus. It's Acute Bronchitis. One of Mrs.D's ardent admirers is a doctor and he made a house call (does anyone still do that🀨???) and he even brought flowers πŸ’!!! I'd met him once before at Mrs. D's Japanese Easter karaoke party 🀨. Nice fellow.
At first,Mrs.D wouldn't let him in her room because she "didn't have her face on" πŸ˜±πŸ˜†, but half an hour later, she agreed and after he looked in on Tess and Lily,  he said they all had bronchitis and that it would have to run it's course. After he left, I went to the computer to stock up on necessities and was shocked to find that our beloved WALMART was out of stock of a lot things on my list. Cough syrup, cough drops🍬, aspirin, rice🍚😯!!! When Tess is sick, she likes white rice with butter and frozen peas. I went to Ebay and found cough drops (3 pkgs for $15 ???) Oh, come on 😑!!! What kind of monster buys $2 cough drops and resells them for $5 ???  Now, when it comes to health, I say spare no expense, but that's ridiculous !
Then I remembered Tess' little "apothecary" in the garage. Luckily, she labeled the boxes so it didn't take me long to find it. (it took me longer to lift it. Hernia #4😡)I took it inside and unpacked it in the kitchen. There weren't any horehound drops, but among the herb packets I found horehound, her remedy recipe book and the little lozenge mold and got to work. Luckily, there was plenty of sugar, raw honey and lemons. Had I ever made cough drops before ? Uhhhh, no, but I've watched Tess do it a dozen times, give or take and hard could it be to make tea, boil honey and sugar together and....OK, it was harder than it looked, but nine hours later I had a big batch of sorry looking cough candy and Tess said they were better than hers😁.

The chicken soup got a rave reviews from Mrs. D. She said it was "very nice"πŸ˜•. When I made it, Tess was asleep and I didn't know which box her cookbooks were in (there are 5 boxes labeled books πŸ“š. So I did the next best thing, I called my mom.

Me: Hey mom ! How are you doing ? How's Dad ?
My Mom: Sonny? (Not my real name πŸ˜„. ) Where are you?
Me:  🀨 In the next room. Where are you ?
That always makes her laugh.
My Mom: Oh, you.
Me: Everyone has Bronchitis and I need to make chicken soup. Can I have your recipe ?
My Mom: Oh no. Are you sure it isn't the Coronavirus?
Me: The doctor said Bronchitis.
My Mom : Oh no. Did you take them to the hospital?
Me: No, he came to the house. He said they were safer at home.
My Mom: That's going to cost a lot.
Me: No, he's an old friend of the family. I think he wants to marry Tess' mother.
My Mother : But, she's engaged to you!
Me: Not Tess ! Her mother ! Are you wearing your hearing aid ?
My Mother: Oh, you!
Me: So, can I have the recipe?
My Mother: Of course, honey !

So, a few hours later, I had a pot of chicken soup. When I delivered Mrs. D's, she pulled the duvet up to her chin and said "Mr. Cham, what ARE you doing in my boudoir ?  (πŸ˜„She slays me.) Tess said it was "scrumptious" and Lily declared it "just what the doctor ordered".
Me: Actually, he didn't. He told me to feed you all pickled pigs feet, raw oysters and bacon flavored soda ! 🀒
She just looked at me. She's had eight years of my foolishness. She probably would've quit years ago, but she's devoted to My Tess and only tolerates me for her sake.

Well, the Dr. said this will last about three weeks, so I guess Easter will have to be postponed. It's Tess' favorite holiday, so we have to celebrate it.

I'm going to go and check on the ladies and then Tess and I are going to watch a movie, but we haven't decided on one yet. Something happy, something cheerful. She looks so tiny when she's sick and I get so frightened, so afraid of losing her. That's a fear I've had to face several times now.

And tho she be but little, she is fierce.

That describes my Tess to a T. Little and fierce. Lyanna Mormont fierce,(but in a prettier package) and it took a giant to bring HER down.

We've fought through worse together and I have my three best weapons. My Mom's chicken soup, Sunny Delight and horehounds. Lord Virus doesn't stand a chance !!!



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WELCOME former IMDb  message board compatriots and hopefully some new fans of  yours truly. We , being My Tess  ,or Tess d'Urbervill...