Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"Find a penny, put it in your shoe, have good luck the whole day through."

I grew up in a superstitious household. Some of the beliefs came from my father's Creole upbringing, some from my Pennsylvania Dutch grandmother, others from the Irish side of the family. I knocked wood, threw spilled salt over both shoulders because I could never remember which was the right one, did not open umbrellas in the house, never walked under a ladder, if I left the house and had to come back for something I had to sit down and count to ten before leaving again, and I had to pick the kitten with the most white markings on his black fur because an all black cat was considered bad luck. A bird inside the house meant that someone would die soon. Did that not include my pet parakeet, I asked? I never received a straight answer, but I was allowed to keep my parakeet. But the biggest one of all was bragging about something that had not happened yet,because that would jinx the outcome. That is still the one that I observe to this day.

Yesterday, an article was published in The Hollywood Reporter about the supporting actor/actress Emmy Award contenders. The nominations will not be announced until July 12th.
The awards broadcast will not be until September 17th, but I have been annoyed by this since April because to me, this is a jinx on what had been something to look forward to, something to hope for, to dream about, something that would have crowned the year for someone very dear to my heart and I cannot help but feel that it has now been tarnished, as well as having possibly provided more fodder for the naysayers should this "prediction" not come to pass. 
I cannot remember a year when this has happened before, and I blame the internet (I see the irony there) for continuing to jump the gun on everything and anything. The collective world has lost the ability to wait and I think that is a shame. The joy and excitement of anticipation is gone, and I for one, will miss it.


Update : Today is July 12th, the nominations for Best Supporting Actor in a Drama series have been announced and I was right. It gives me no pleasure to say that. ๐Ÿ˜ฟNo pleasure at all.

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