Tuesday, December 25, 2018


           TheChamCham😉and Tess☺️.           (We're still without WiFi, so here's an oldie but a goodie.)      

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Latkes and Doughnuts and Cheesecake, Oh My!

Monday night was the last night of Chanukah and we had our special dinner, just my Mr.Cham and I, and it was lovely.

Matzo ball soup w/veggies,rice pilaf, and gefilte fish.

Doughnuts with red raspberry jam.
Earlier in the week, we paid a visit to my family and friends in Louisiana for a few days, but it is always so good to come home again.
Lox and cream cheese bagel
Lunch with a mini pomegranate cherry cheesecake
We are expecting our first snow on the sixteenth, so we have been making certain that the birdhouses are ready for guests and that the bird feeders are filled with tasty goodies and we had a last day with "our" ducks
before they left the cold comfort of our backyard for warmer accomidations down south.
A few weeks ago I sorted out the flannel sheets and electric blankets and regular blankets so we are warm and cozy and last week I surprised my Mr.Cham with a cord of seasoned firewood all nicely cut and stacked. I know that he likes to do it himself, I simply do not think that he should have to all of the time. I am a romantic, but a practical one. If you love someone, you want to keep them safe and warm, and well-fed. When I first came to work for him, Mr.Cham had never celebrated Chanukah, but I grew up with many Jewish friends (yes, there ARE Jewish people in the South!) and so those holidays are as traditional to me as all of the others.
He likes the foods and he is so good to come home with me when he is able to. We are hoping to be home for Christmas this year, but his schedule is never set in stone, so I have learned not to plan things too far ahead of time. Home truly is where your heart is and as long as we are together,nothing else really matters. We are blessed. But I do hope that we will be back in business soon. Mr.Cham is right. This keyboard is too small! (and this font is too masculine!)

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