Friday, August 4, 2017

National Watermelon Day!

                            (You may remember this colorful fellow from our Hawaii video)

Watermelons are known to have been cultivated in Ancient Egypt, India, Spain and China which is the largest producer of watermelons today. Watermelons are grown all over the world today and in roughly 45 of the 50 United States.

Watermelons came to America from Southern Africa. European colonists and slaves from Africa introduced the watermelon to the New World. Around 1650, Native Americans were cultivating the crop in the Mississippi valley and Florida. Captain James Cook and other explorers introduced them to Hawaii and the other Pacific Islands. Seedless Watermelons were introduced in 1939 by Japanese scientists (Thank you!)

Healthwise, the watermelon has known health benefits such as  the prevention of kidney disorders,
diabetes, cancer, macular degeneration, impotence, and heart disease. Watermelon contains Vitamins A, B6, Niacin, Thiamin as well as lycopene, and antioxidants. 

As 90% of a watermelon is ....water, they are an excellent source of potassium as well as lowering your body temperature, preventing heat stroke and high blood pressure. (we know all that in The South.We have to.)

So, go out and get a watermelon and enjoy !

(left to right) A freshly cut watermelon, watermelon cut up and ready for the freezer, watermelon sorbet, watermelon sweet tea, and watermelon balls.

TheChamCham is currently working in 100 degree heat overseas and I told him to eat plenty of watermelon🍉. I am certain he will heed my warning, but he will swear that I said pizza🍕. Oh that man of mine. 💝 Keep cool, everyone!


                          I heard you !!! You said watermelon !!!  And here it is.................

(Were you missing a handkerchief when you unpacked? I'll keep it safe in my pocket.💕B.)

When you depart from me sorrow abides,
and happiness takes his leave.💔 

-Much Ado About Nothing

William Shakespeare

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